Thursday, June 20, 2019

Depressed !

It is 21 minutes past 12am and I'm trying to figure out what to do next. Just finished sorting out if all these kind of feelings are signs of depression. Yes, it is. One of the test said "moderate depression."

It doesn't feel right. Head's heavy, throat's dry & I'm feeling awfully bad. What could have caused it ?
I can't think of any reason. Thought guitar would help, I just played "Where did you sleep last night ?" by Nirvana and "Knockin on heaven door" by Bob Dylan. No, these ain't making any difference.

Nobody's gonna read this either. So, why am I writing all these ? Maybe I'm writing for the same reason - nobody's gonna read this. Otherwise, why would I bother to share what I'm going through with those that I may never ever trust or even know.

Motivation = 0. All these days I've been sitting in front of my laptop and doing competitive programming. They said, "It ain't easy!". I think nothing is. Though coding skill has improved a lot, the problem solving is depressing. Maybe that's causing all this. Who knows ? 

I've gone through such phase before. At some point, I thought metal on full-on volume would help. At times, it did. Now, it ain't helping much.

Now, I'm losing the motivation to type further.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

From the extremity

It's been quite a long time that I've written anything. When I was in high school, I used to fantasize about blogging about the life in engineering. Well, it's hard. It's really hard to keep yourself up and motivated.

Now, finally I've decided to start writing again. But, I think it's too late. Since, I've already passed( not actually ) 3 years of engineering and I'm feeling too old for anything like this.

Three years is whole lotta time. I've learned guitar, some coding skills and yes lil bit of spirituality. See, whole three years and just 3 skill to quote. That's a shame actually ! To add to the list, I can't think of any solid, commercial things any would be proud of. But, I think I've collected whole lot of experiences in these 3 years. The highs and the lows of life.

I'll try to write as much as I can, be it the code or the blogs, in this last year of engineering. I don't know why but I feel like doing this. I'm thinking of writing at least a post every weekend. But, I'm not a routine person. I'm a free spirit ! Hell, I don't listen to myself sometimes.

I don't think any one would be so keen in reading my blogs that they will be turning up here waiting for my blog. Still, if you're reading this, say hello to the to-be-engineer in the last year of his engineering. This is the winter of 75. We're to submit a proposal report on our major project in about a week time. I'm searching for the project ideas. I'll continue writing about whatever I remember about the days in  first, second and the third year.

Thanks for reading. Cheers !

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Resolving the Brightness in Kali

Resolving the Brightness in Kali

If you've been suffering from unadjustably high brightness in kali , here's a solution to it. This works for those having nvidia graphics.

  • open the terminal
  • run the following command: 
  • echo 10 > /sys/class/backlight/nv_backlight/brightness 
  • You could put any value replacing 10. Put any value between 0-100.This value represents the brightness level.

You can run the above commands if every time you boot in to your system, it greets you with the unadjustable brightness.

Here's another thing you can try.(This one is for lazy asses)

 You can make commands run automatically on every time you open the terminal. What if you embed above code ? Now, you don't need to type the command to adjust the brightness.Here's how you do::
  • open the terminal
  • run: leafpad .bashrc
  • paste the command: echo 10 > /sys/class/backlight/nv_backlight/brightness 
  • save the file & close it
Now, every time you boot into your system,open the terminal & close it, the brightness should be fine.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

कसले कसलाई बनायो ?

(पख्नुस्: यदी आफुलाई सबै भन्दा बिध्वान ठान्नु हुन्छ भने नपढ्नुस् । चित्त दुख्न सक्छ। )

भगवानले मान्छे बनाका हुन।

      यदी तपाईं भारती भगवानहरुको कुरा सुन्नु हुन्छ भने उनीहरु एउटा मोटो पुस्तक पल्टाउने छन अनी भन्ने छन कि यो सृस्‍टि को रचना "ब्रह्मा" नामका एक भारती भगवानले बनाएका हुन। सृस्‍टि अर्थात हामी आफ्नो वोरिपरी जे जे देख्छौ। त्यसमा मानिस पनि स्वत: परी नै हाल्यो ।

अब पालो इजरायलका पर्मेश्वरका पुत्र को। उनीहरुको पवित्र बाइबलले के भन्छ भने यो संसारको सृस्‍टिकर्ता उहा हुनुन्छ।  हामी सबैका मुक्ती दाता परम पर्मेश्वर इसु क्रिस्ट।

अब पालो औछ म जस्तो स्वतन्त्र सोचकर्ताको। मैले कस्को कुरा पत्याउने ? यहाँ को सही को गलत भन्न थाल्यो भन्ने कहिल्यै नसकिने बहसको श्रीजना हुन्छ; मेस्सी खत्रा कि रोनाल्डो जस्तै !

हैट, के को हुन्छ ! मान्छे ले चै भगवान बनाका हुन

       धेरै पहिला न कुनै नियम न कुनै कानुननै थियो। गलत तथा फटाइ काम गर्नेलाई कुनै बन्धन हुँदैन थियो । अब मानिसले मानिसलाई तह लाउन गार्हो भयो। यसै बिच, केही बट्ठाहरुले भगवान नाउको पात्रको श्रीजना गराए। नराम्रो काम लाई पाप भनियो। त्यस्ता काम गर्ने लाई पापी नाम दियिओ। स्वर्ग अनी नर्कको डर देखाईओ।

यसरी भगवान को अस्तित्व न रहे पनि "धर्म" को श्रीजना राम्रो कामको लागि भएको थियो भनेर भन्नु हुन्छ स्वमी श्री आशिषानन्द।

ल छुटौ है, अविवादन !

Sunday, October 11, 2015

प्रधानमन्त्रीको उमेद्वारी पेस गर्दछु ।

सम्माननिय सभामुख महोद्य,

छिमेकी भनाउदाको अघोसित नाकाबन्दी, राजनैतीक चल्खेलको बिचमा आज हामीलाई यस्तो ब्यक्तित्वको खाचो छ जस्ले आफुलाई भन्दा पनि धेरै राष्ट्रलाई माया गरोस, राष्ट्रिय एकताको धरोहरको रुपमा उभियोस। धेरै कुरा के घुमाउनु हजुर , म प्रधान मन्त्रीको लागि उमेदवारी घोषणा गर्न चाहन्छु।

मधेसमा करिब करिब ४ दर्जन नेपाली मर्दा काठमाडौं के गरिरहेको छ भन्ने मुल प्रश्न हो । मधेसको एउटा मधेसी मर्दै गर्दा ,गोली चलाऊने पनि एक नेपाली गोली लागेर मर्ने पनि नेपाली । अनी एउटा नेपालीले अर्को नेपालीलाई मार्दै गर्दा छिमेकी भनौदा फिरङीहरुले राष्ट्रिय स्वाभिमान खलबलाउने मौका पाएका छन।
मधेसले अधिकार अधिकार भनेर नारा लगाइ रहदा, के कुरा बिर्सनु  हुँदैन भने घरको कुकुर सँगको बद्ला लिन जङली चितुवा बोलाँउदा त्यस चितुवाले अन्त्यमा आँफैलाई पनि बाँकी राख्दैन ।
मेरा सम्पूर्ण मधेसी साथी भाई , आमा बुवा सबैलाई यो सन्देश पुर्याईदिईओस कि यो समय भनेको मिलेर लड्ने समय हो । म मधेस मै जन्मेर हुर्केको मान्छे। मैले देखेको छु मधेस मा के छ र के चाहिन्छ । यसो भन्दै गर्दा यस्ले त पहाड अनी हिमाललाई प्रतिनिधित्वो गर्दैन होला भन्ने मनहरुको कमी न होला।

तर के कुरा बुझ्न जरुरी छ भने देशलाई कुनै पनि संकट परेको बेला बालुवाटार सुत्यो होला बिराटनगर सुतेको छैन। राती सुत्ने बेलामा देशको पिर लाग्छ। म यही देशमा केही गर्नु पर्छ भन्ने युवा। पटक पटकको डि.भि भर्ने आदेश आउँदा इन्कार गर्ने युवा को लेख पढ्दै हुनुहुन्छ तपाईं।

यो देशलाई लाल बाबुहरु चहिएको छ न कि भारती चाकरी गर्ने मिनेद्र र बिमलेन्द्र निधी जस्ता। शिक्षा अनी स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रमा परिवर्तनकारी सोच भएका त्यागी डा. केसी जस्ता ब्यक्तीको आवश्यकता हो। नेपाल गरीब देश पक्कै होइन। यो देशमा ब्याप्त भ्रस्टाचार रोक्न शुन्य सहनसिलता नितीको अवलम्बन गर्न जरुरी छ।

आज हामी हेरौ यूरोपलाई । १७औ शताब्दी तिरको औधोगिक क्रान्तिले यूरोपलाई कहाँ पुर्यायो। यस्को कालान्तरमा निकै धेरै फाईदा भए पनि तत्काल दुइटा फाईदा देख्न सकिन्छ। युवाहरु आफ्नै देशमा बसेर पैसा कमौने छन। अर्को भनेको देश अत्मनिर्भर हुने बाटो तिर लाग्ने छ।

बाँकी कुरा प्रधानमन्त्री भएसी भनौला अहिले चाँही के.पि र सुशिल जि ले सेमत आफ्नो उमेद्वारी फिर्ता लिई मलाई नै मत दिई अत्याधिक बहुमतले बिजय गराइ देशलाई नै पहिलो युवा प्रधानमन्त्री पाउने स्वभाग्य दिनुहुन सम्पूर्ण मनानीयहरुलाई निवेदन सेमत गर्दछु ।

धन्यवाद! जय नेपाल !!
जय noitanec

Thursday, October 8, 2015

दाई बन्ने कि दाजु ?

    तपाईं हामी धेरैलाई थाहा न हुन सक्छ दाई र दाजु प्रयोगको हिसाबले फरक फरक परिस्थिती अनी प्रायोजनका लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ । मेरो एकल अनुसन्धानले के देखाउछ भने दाजु शब्द बिशेष गरी राम्रो कामका लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ। लौ हेरौ तलको उदाहरण  :

१. नरेन दाईले सिकाको यार मलाई चुरोट खान ।
२. नरेन दाजुले  सिकाको यार मलाई चुरोट खान ।

माथिका २ मध्ये कुन सुन्नुहुन्छ तपाईं चोक चोकमा, गल्ली गल्लीमा  ? जहाँ सम्म मलाई लाग्छ "नरेन दाई " को चर्चा बढी हुन्छ ।

यस्को पछाडि मैले दिन सक्ने एउटा मात्र करण छ। त्यो हो "सामित्यता" । दाजु शब्द आँफैले एउटा कोटीको सम्मान जनाउछ, कि कसो ?

यस्लाई सरलिकरण गर्न एउटा उदाहरण प्रस्तुत गर्दछु ।
तपाईं सँग बिशेष गरी दुई प्रकारका साथी हुन्छन । एक प्रकारकाले तपाईंलाई "त" भनी सम्बोधन गर्छन् भने अर्को प्रकारकाले तपाईंलाई "तिमी" बाट सम्बोधन गर्छन् । ल अब भन्नुस यि दुई मध्ये कुन साथी तपाईं सँग नजिक हुन्छन ?
शायद अब बुझी पनि सक्नु भो होला । अब पनि बुझ्नु भएन भने नडरौनुस् तपाईं अर्को लुजेन्द्र ओझा बन्ने बाटोमा हुनु हुन्छ। ल आमै भात खान डाक्दै छिन ।।

गए है, अविवादन !!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Le Châtelier's principle and Law Of Nature

Le-Chatelier's principle: "Whenever a system in equilibrium is disturbed the system will adjust itself in such a way that the effect of the change will be nullified."

In the same way, law of nature acts. The chemist must have been influenced by this so much that he couldn't help him stating this as a Law Of Equilibrium in chemistry after his name.

My social approach in understanding Le Châtelier's principle

Recently, Nepal was hit by a tremendous earthquake of magnitude 7.6 Richter (local). I saw tall buildings collapsing in Kathmandu. One of the important structure that collapsed was 9-storeyed Dharahara. Building tall houses and structures is the psychological indication of desire of people to go higher and higher. 
Our science says,  there's a force always acting downward towards the centre of earth ,i.e weight. This can be interpreted as nature wants us as low as possible. But, our action is just opposite.

Nature had to do something to bring these "higher" people as low as possible.

Another thing is, we have been learning about the rapid population growth. If this continues, whole resources of the world will be finished after some decades. Nature has to do something to bring back to its original state. It reacted in the form of earthquake.

My economic approach in understanding Le Châtelier's principle

We can see the differences in the amount of hard work a child from rich and poor family does. Most of the rich kids don't study hard, enjoy every luxuries available and end up being a moron who has learnt least and enjoyed utmost. Father works hard , earns alot. He ends up being a rich man. In the contrary is his son. This continues. 

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